About Us
Our company was established by the founder Mr. Yap Tang in 1968. It was in the twilight years when the founder peddling around towns and states to ply his trade. After a few years later and with the supports of piers, friends and loyal customers, the company was started.
Businesses initially were sluggish but with hard works and perseverance, the company grown from strength to strength with more agents and sub-agents grow hand-in-hand supporting the company to a greatest height.
With the help of diligent and experience staffs, the company starts importing the product on our own accord. With the trusts build over the years, our existing manufacturers had granted us full supports and commitment over their products with consistent quality and this wins our customers confidence in using our products.

From just importing and wholesaling a few brands, we have grown too many brands and some of these are our own in house brands that had successfully penetrated the optical arena. With the brand likes PC Lens, Rey-Boy, Old School, Nismo and Safety Guard which successfully penetrate and have its own followers in the market.
In this aspect, we also have launched a website to showcase all the Safety Guard range of product and perhaps other brands in the coming future. Our Safety Guard range of sunglasses is accessible through www.safetyguard.com.my.
Other successful brand is our own IDEAL Polarized Sunglasses Series which started capturing the sunglasses market in the past few years that prompted our company to establish a company by the name IN Style Eyewears Sdn Bhd to undertake these mid-premium products. We even launched a website solely to cater these Polarized range of products to the consumers via www.idealpolarized.com.
Our company also carrying stocks of reading glasses with variety of modern frame and stylish for the demand of the consumers.
With all this happening, we strive to increase our presence in the optical markets showcasing quality product at an affordable price for our consumers.

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